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Honorary members

One of the oldest and most successful strategies carried out by the Imprisoned Writer Committee has been the incorporation of imprisoned or persecuted writers as honorary members by the different local centres. This method pays special attention to specific cases and is also useful for both members of the PEN centre that are in charge of such cases, as well as moral support for imprisoned writers. There are several factors that are taken into account when it comes to choosing the writer. In general, there is an attempt to prevent choosing people that have already been chosen by other centres. The relationship between the hosting PEN centre’s respective country and the sponsored writer is also taken into account as well as taking advantage of the Imprisoned Writer Committee members’ experience and knowledge that can be particularly helpful in certain cases.

Actualment apadrinats

Zehra Doğan

(Turkish, 1989)

Ramón Esono

(Equatorial Guinea, 1977)

Dina Meza

(Honduras, 1963)

Anna Politkovskaya

(New York, 1965 - Moscow, 2006)