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PEN Català’s Imprisoned Writer Committee

Under the umbrella of PEN International’s Imprisoned Writer Committee, PEN Català’s Imprisoned Writer Committee follows the cases of writers who suffer persecution as a result of exercising their right to freedom of expression, equality and human rights, defended peacefully and through their intellectual labour.  Investgations undertaken by PEN International are analysed and disseminated by PEN Català.

With the aim of pressurising undemocratic regimes to free and/or cease to threaten writers, the Committee is involved in campaigns of condemnation organised by PEN International, undertaking a variety of denouncement and pressurising actions against governments, such as the writing of letters demanding release. The Committee also highlights PEN International’s sponsored writers: some of the cases of imprisoned writers identified by PEN International.

In order to recognise, and draw the attention of the Catalan population to, the bravery and task faced by writers who stand out as defenders of freedom of expression, each year PEN Català awards the Veu Lliure Prize (Free Voice Prize). The winner is awarded during acts for the International Day of the Imprisoned Writer, on 15th November, which occupies a significant place in the organisation’s annual calendar.