Àngels Gregori Parra (Oliva, 1985) is a poet and cultural manager. She is the author of the following books: Bambolines (Amadeu Oller Prize 2003), Llibre de les brandàlies (Ausiàs March Prize 2007), New York, Nabokov i Bicicletes (Alfons el Magnànim Prize 2010), Quan érem divendres (Jocs Florals de Barcelona Prize 2013) and Quan els grans arbres cauen (Vicent Andrés Estellés Prize 2017). She holds a degree in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature from the University of Barcelona, a Master’s degree in Cultural Management from the UOC (where she currently works) and a PhD from the University of Valencia. Since its creation in 2005, she has directed the Oliva Poetry Festival Poefesta. She has been director of the Nit de Poesia de Sant Cugat (2015) and co-director of Barcelona Poesia. She is a member of the Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua.