2023 Change of board 2018Change of board At the annual members’ meeting, held on 14 June 2018, a new board was elected, made up of: Àngels Gregori (president), Gemma Rodríguez (secretary general), Jaume Subirana (vice-president for the Principality) and Manel Ollé (co-opted treasurer). Miquel Àngel Llauger (Vice-President of the Balearic Islands) and Cinta Arasa (member of the Committee of Persecuted Writers) have renewed for a second term. Continuing in office are: Vicent Berenguer (Vice-President of País Valencià), Joan Borja (member of País Valencià), Heike Nottebaum (member of Illes Balears), Ricard Ripoll (member of the Translation Committee) and Sebastià Bennàssar (member of the Linguistic Rights Committee). During the meeting, former president Carme Arenas took stock of her term of office.