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Juan Daniel Treminio Rayo

Ciutat de procedència: Sébaco, Matagalpa (Nicaragua)

Ciutat d'acollida: Barcelona

Període d'acollida: 2021-2023

Juan Daniel Treminio is a Nicaraguan journalist. Born in Sébaco, Matagalpa, he studied social communication in the Universidad Centroamericana (UCA). He is passionate about journalism, radio, and digital communication. Since he was very young, he has been involved in political activism to defend human rights and civil liberties.

Since the age of nineteen, he has exercised his profession directing several analysis programs in conjunction with the national radio station Radio Corporación, such as El Estallido (2014-2015), Unidad con Dignidad (2015-2017) and Buenas Tardes Nicaragua (2017-2018.) He was a founder and is co-director of the digital platform Coyuntura and has collaborated with several other platforms such as Managuafuriosa and Revista Cultura Libre. He has participated in several trainings focused on politics and social change.

His direct involvement in reporting corruption cases and documenting human rights violations have made him a target for threats from supporters of the current government. For this reason, in 2018, he was forced into exile with his family. However, this gave him the opportunity to widen his work on issues of migration and vulnerable communities. He has taken on the commitment to continue monitoring and developing investigative journalism that can contribute to the development of his country.

He currently lives in Barcelona and is an ICORN writer in residence being hosted by PEN Català’s Writers in Refuge programme. To learn more about his work, you can follow him on Twitter under @danitreminio.