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Jairo Antonio Videa

Ciutat de procedència: Managua

Ciutat d'acollida: Barcelona

Període d'acollida: 2021-2023

Editor and journalist. Born in Managua (Nicaragua), Jairo Videa studied communications at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua. From a very young age he was involved in the spaces and organisations of the world of journalism and communications, where he has undertaken works of investigative journalism on politics, human rights, immigration, and vulnerable communities, among others.

In 2017, at just 21 years of age, he co-founded Coyuntura, an independent digital newspaper for investigative journalism with a young and diverse point of view, born with the aim of sparking debate and provoking social change in Nicaragua and the region. From this platform, Videa investigates corruption, human rights, health, public policy, and the environment. But his primary work denounces the crimes against humanity committed by the government of Nicaragua under the mandate of Daniel Ortega, which led him to be persecuted by the Nicaraguan authorities, to the point of having to go into exile. After a year and a half living in Honduras as a refugee under the auspices of the UNHCR, in 2020 Videa returned to Nicaragua with the idea of again taking up his journalistic task.

He participated in the “Adelante” regional programme of the International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) and in the Digital Journalism and Fighting Fake News programme of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. But the threats and systematic persecution to which press freedom is subjected in his country brought him to leave Nicaragua once more. Currently, he is a resident of PEN Català’s Writers in Refuge programme.

From his host city of Barcelona Videa continues engaging in journalism as co-director of Coyuntura, where his work is published. The newspaper currently has more than 200,000 monthly readers following his reports, which now also address relations between Spain and Central America.