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Victoria Lomasko

Graphic artist and writer

Victoria Lomasko was born in Serpukhov (Russia) in 1978. She has made graphic reportage, or illustrated journalism, her way of portraying the reality of Russia and the former Soviet space. With live drawings and explanatory texts, she tells a story very different from the official one. His first book published in Catalan, Altres Rússies (Godall 2020, translation by Marta Nin) portrays the exiled collectives and those who oppose the regime, while the second, L’última artista soviética (Godall 2022, translation by Arnau Barrios) portrays the cultural diversity of the former Soviet space, denied by the official discourse that defends Russification and the oppression of minorities and the demonstrations in Belarus against the Lukashenko regime as well as the demonstrations in Moscow on the occasion of the elections.

Victoria Lomasko has created a special bond with Catalonia, thanks to the publication of her two books. She has visited our country briefly, during the Catalan Book Week last September to present her latest book. It is worth noting that the Catalan edition of The Last Soviet Artist was the first translation of the book in any country and in any other language. PEN Català is confident that, once the prize has been awarded, it will be able to invite Victoria Lomasko to Catalonia, in collaboration with other entities, during the first quarter of 2023. This will be the opportunity to recognize her directly for the merits that have made her worthy of the Veu Lliure Award.