Des de 1922, defensem la llibertat d'expressió i els drets lingüístics, salvaguardem el patrimoni literari català i promovem el diàleg intercultural.
Since 2006, PEN Català has coordinated the Writers In Refuge Programme. This programme, with its roots in the Shelter Cities programme which was promoted by the International Parliament of Writers, aims to host a writer who is threatened, persecuted or at risk of being imprisoned as a consequence of their writing.
PEN Català promotes literary translation to overcome the linguistic barrier that prevents understanding between people and cultures. It works for both the promotion of Catalan literature in the world and to support the translation of universal literary works into Catalan. It is within this framework that the digital magazine Visat is published.
PEN is committed to the respect of all languages, and the protection and promotion of minority languages. PEN's central and guiding principles on linguistic rights are laid out in the Girona Manifesto, promoted by PEN Català.
PEN Català monitors human rights violations against writers, editors, translators and journalists around the world and organises campaigns to support them.
You can become a full member if you are a writer in any field, journalist, editor or translator and share the founding values of PEN.
If you are not a writer and want to join the defense of languages and freedom of expression, you can be part of the Circle of Friends of PEN.
Help us continue to defend language and freedom of expression.
Sí! El nostre web s'adapta a dispositius mòbils, però encara està en desenvolupament. Per veure-la ara correctament, consulta-la des d'una mida de pantalla major de 1100px ; )
Des de 1922 promovem
Narcís Comadira. 2010
Freedom of expression
Antoni Tàpies. 2003
Linguistic rights
Ràfols Casamada. 2005
Catalan literary heritage
Frederic Amat. 2004
Intercultural dialogue
PEN Català, in collaboration with Barcelona City of...
Bensedrine, unjustly imprisoned, is on hunger strike and gravely ill PEN Català expresses its deep concern and strongly condemns the arbitrary detention...
The International Day of...
On November 12, 2024, the jury formed by...
The call for submissions for the second edition...
Since 2006, PEN Català has coordinated the Refugee Writer Programme. This programme aims to host a writer threatened, prosecuted or at risk of being imprisoned as a consequence of their writing.
Domènec. 2024
Francesc Torres. 2018
Mar Arza. 2017
Manel Esclusa. 2016
Francesc Abad. 2015
Original de Francesc Abad, creat amb motiu del Dia de l'Escriptor Perseguit.
Ignasi Aballí. 2014
Original d'Ignasi Aballí, creat amb motiu del Dia de l'Escriptor Perseguit.
Alfons Borrell. 2012
Original d'Alfons Borrell, creat amb motiu del Dia de l'Escriptor Empresonat.
Joan Fontcuberta. 2011
Original de Joan Fontcuberta per al Dia de l'Escriptor Empresonat.
Original de Narcís Comadira creat per al Dia de l'Escriptor Empresonat
Eulàlia Valldosera. 2009
Original d'Eulàlia Valldosera creat per al Dia de l'Escriptor Empresonat.
Jaume Plensa. 2008
Original de Jaume Plensa creat per al Dia de l'Escriptor Empresonat.
Josep M. Guinovart. 2007
Original de Josep M. Guinovart. creat per al Dia de l'Escriptor Empresonat.
Perejaume. 2006
Original de Perejaume creat per al dia de l'Escriptor Empresonat.
Original de Ràfols Casamada creat per al Dia de l'Escriptor Empresonat.
Alireza Darvish. 2005
Cartell per al Dia de l'Escriptor Empresonat 2004.
Narcís Comadira. 2004
Il.lustració per la portada del llibre "Paraules i futur".
Antoni Tàpies. Il.lustració per a la portada de l'informe "Antiterrorisme, escriptors i llibertat d'expressió".
Uwe Geest. 1998
Antoni Tàpies. 1992
Joan-Pere Viladecans. 1978
Antoni Tàpies. 1978
Litografia realitzatda per anunciar la Conferència Internacional del PEN Club a la Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona.